Saturday 12 April 2014

Dots, Lines and Shapes

Go back in time and think about the times when you were taught to make dots and lines- the very basic ones, over and over again! You were told these are the basic components of any script- letters, numbers, art etc. Well, that indeed, was true. On turning 18, when you step into a design college, the first thing you are taught is - to make proper dots and lines. Yes, AGAIN. But in a different manner.

A dot is a simple point, it can be as small as 0.1 cm in diameter or as big as 10 feet, the condition being that it must be opaque. A line is a path traced by a dot. It can be straight, curved, thick, thin etc., the condition being that the edges of the line must be straight.

Have you seen a striped shirt? Or a polka dot dress? Or a painting from the times of pointillism? These are all designs/artworks created using just a varied arrangement of dots and lines.

I have created 4 designs using purely dots and 4 designs using purely lines. At the end, is an artwork comprising of both dots and lines.

A Point Here, A Point There

This picture comprises of 4 artworks, 5x5 inch each, made using dots in black and white.

The idea behind each is to represent an emotive word in an abstract manner. There is no literal form or element, there is no identifiable structure. It's just the placement of dots that denotes an emotion. The inter-relation, the thickness of the dot, the flow, the gradation... All of it together forms an emotive artwork!

Top right- NOSTALGIA
Bottom left- SEPARATION
Bottom right- YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!

Align the Line

Again, 4 artworks of 5x5 inch each, made using lines in black and white.

Each artwork represents one emotive word. The perception, however, might vary from person to person. It is a play of width of the lines, the flow, the placement that creates an impression. A thick line acts has a strong or a blocking effect whereas thin lines promote flow of thoughts. Long lines create boundaries in mind whereas small lines create an effect of movement.

Bottom Left- REFLECT

Of Dots and Lines

After exploring dots and lines, I moved onto shapes. Dots and lines together form shapes. A shape is such an entity that has infinite variables- boundaries, thickness, structure etc. A person can vary a shape as much as s/he wants. 
Shapes are of 3 kinds-
-Geometric: the shapes we learn since childhood; square, rectangle, triangle etc. 
-Natural: the shapes seen in nature; leaf, flowers, mountains etc.
-Abstract: a stylisation of natural shapes; a paisley is an abstract of mango.

With these basic concepts in mind, I worked upon the following artwork. Again, the idea is to represent a thought- be it an emotive word or a phrase.


In this artwork, the 26 letters of the roman script- A,B,C,D,... are stylized and written in an abstract manner. They are not literally visible. However, they're interlinked, rotated, stretched etc. to form this composition. Dots and lines of various types and thicknesses have been inculcated to add a decorative element to the artwork.

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