Wednesday 4 December 2013


When you have time at hand and an eye for various colors in a visual, you should pick up your brushes, scissors, paints and glue and begin with what I call... Color Mixing Artwork!

Step 1: Make a grid over your visual. I chose a 5"5 visual and made a grid of 0.5 cm x 0.5 cm.
Step 2: Observe each gird box individually. Identify the color and try to paint that on a small strip of paper. When it dries, match it with that of the visual
(The best way to do this is by keeping the strip edge near to the visual and observing)
Step 3: Make such paints for every box in the grid. Also, if there are two or more colors in the same box, then mix them together and use that color.
Step 4: Cut each color according to the square size of your final artwork. (0.5 cm in this case)
Step 5: Paste each square in its place neatly.

1. Match the colors after drying as they tend to change hue value.
2. Use a raw printed layout of your final artwork's grid for cutting squares accurately. 
3. Label the squares as A1,A2... B1,B2 etc to paste them easily without getting confused which goes where -OR- cut and paste simultaneously.
4. Use fevi stick instead of fevicol so that the pieces can be taken off in case anything goes wrong. Also, it avoids glossy stains on your artwork.

More the hard work, sweeter the result! So put your energy and time into this, and come up with a beautiful artwork you'll be proud to call yours! :)